These are the Kartboy Front Swaybar Spacers. The intended purpose behind these spacers is to allow those of you who are running the Kartboy Endlnks and need to properly mate them to Whiteline Swaybars.
Kartboy Endlinks are super stiff and durable and when paired with a Whiteline Swaybar you will find that the Kartboy Endlinks don't flex as much as the factory front endlinks, which is a good thing for handling.
These spacers will properly fill in the gap between the endlink and the swaybar.
- These are confirmed to be used with the endlinks made for the 2002-2007 WRX/STI.
2004-2007 Subaru STI
2002-2007 Subaru WRX
Other models depending on sway bar and end link conflics.